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There are 10 questions in the Army Agniveer Chemistry segment of the exam, which can earn you up to 40 points on the General Ability Test. Here are some advice from experts on how to effectively prepare for the Chemistry Syllabus exam. Therefore, use the information in this post to prepare for Agniveer Chemistry curriculum in order to answer 5 or more of the section's questions correctly. On the basis of last year's exam papers, we have additionally covered the miscellaneous Agniveer Chemistry topics.

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What are Vitamins

The vitamins are important natural nutrients that are required in small amounts for a variety of biological processes in our body such as growth and development, immune system health ,wound healing, muscle and tissue maintenance etc.
There are 13 different kinds of vitamins and each one is essential for the body. Casimir Funk is regarded as the father of vitamins .
Like minerals, our bodies are unable to produce vitamins itself in the body .So absorb them from the food we eat.

Types of Vitamins

On the Basis of solubility, Vitamins are classified into two different major groups:

  • Fat soluble vitamin:- Fat Soluble vitamins are absorbed from fats we eat .Moreover unlike Water soluble vitamins these vitamins remain for a longer period in the body. Some Examples of fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and K
  • Water soluble vitamin:- Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in our body .They are excreted through the urine. These vitamins need to be replenished constantly for body growth. Vitamin B and Vitamin C are water-soluble vitamins.
Sources and Deficiency

Below table contains a list of some important vitamins and their major sources and deficiencies

Water Soluble Vitamins
Name Solubility Food Sources Deficiency Diseases
Vitamin B Water Fresh fruits, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas, corn, cashew nuts, wheat, milk, black beans, dates etc Beriberi
Vitamin C Water Amla ,Citrus Fruits Scurvy
Fat Soluble Vitamins
Name Solubility Food Sources Deficiency Diseases
Vitamin A Fat Sunlight, ripe yellow fruits, tomatoes, carrots, etc. Night blindness
Vitamin D Fat Cow Milk etc. Rickets and Osteomalacia
Vitamin E Fat Guava,nuts, seeds etc. Heart problems, Reproductive problems and sterility
Vitamin K Fat Green leafy vegetables, grapes etc. Blood Clotting